Sunday, 17 May 2015

Top free high pr do follow social bookmarking sites list 2015

Are you searching for Top Free high pr do follow social bookmarking sites list for your website? In this post you will find the best social bookmarking sites from where you can get  back links for your website.

What is Social Bookmarking ? 

Social bookmarking is one of the most easy and most effective way for creating back links for your website from high authority sites. When used correctly social bookmarking sites can help you to increase you blog popularity and also increases value for your website in eyes on search engines.
In this post I will give you a complete list of high pr social bookmarking sites list which i use personally for my website.This list is collection of both do follow and no follow websites which will help you to create a good link profile of your website and will also look natural to search engines. Most of bloggers do not know how to use social bookmarking sites properly and in the end do not get proper results.

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Social Bookmarking sites: Brief Introduction

Social bookmarking sites are those where users share webpages or link which they like.It can be a blog post,a website or any YouTube video.It mean you can bookmark almost anything you like and it will result into creating a link back to your profile.Sounds great ? Keep reading.

As most of social bookmarking sites that I will be sharing have Domain authority so it means that you will be getting a link from a high authority website which will provide trust to your website and will also help in building a brand.Social bookmarking sites has high traffic so it will also help you to increase traffic to your website,increase its Alexa ranking and will also help you to crawling of your website faster.

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As I said earlier,Create a good link profile which looks natural to search engines.It should have good number of both Do follow and no- follow back links.So my advice to you is create a balance between them.

There are many more bookmarking sites but it is highly recommended that you should only bookmark your content on high pr and high authority websites for more benefits.

So I hope above article was useful and you found Top free high pr do follow social bookmarking sites list for 2015.Comment below if you have any other sites which are nor listed above or have any problem with any bookmarking site.Also comment if you want to know proper method for using social bookmarking site.

DO NOT forget to share it with your friends if you liked this post and learned something new as sharing is caring.Looking forward  for your comments.


  1. I like and agree with your this social bookmarking article..I hope and wait your another article again
